Woody's 50th Birthday

Where: Seacliff State Beach, follow the signs to the Party

When: July 28th, from 12:00 to ???

Who: You, of course, and your significants, family, & friends

Why: because even though he doesn't act it,
he's really turning 50 years old!

R . S . V . P .

J u l y   2 8 t h ,   2 0 0 2


Pictures courtesy of: "Havin' a Shindig!: The Ultimate Party Planner"
by Walter Foster Publishing, Inc. (http://www.mychaoticlife.com)

If you want to attend (and you know you do!) then please RSVP to the
EVITE Invitation you received when you got this email message.

Thanks! and See you at the Party!

If you have any questions at all, email me at flamingeaux@yahoo.com 

Woody will be providing the main course. (Yum) To help out with the rest of the Potluck, bring the following if your last name begins with:

A - I : Drinks, Appetizers
J - Q : Salads or Veggies
R - Z : Other/Unusual Side Dishes or Desserts
IF YOU HAVE OLD PHOTOS ... we'd love to see what Woody looked like when you first knew him! In the 60's, 70's, 80's (did he really have a 'fro ?!?) If you can send a .jpg file electronically we'll have a "photo album" of everyone's pictures at the party. If you just want to bring them along, then we'll show them around at the party!
Besides the photo album, we are contemplating having a sort of ROAST (and I'm not talking rump or rib!) 
so if you have juicy material you'd like to share (even if Woody wouldn't like you to!) we'd be happy
 to sit and listen. Start your memory banks humming and jot down some notes to bring along.  If you can't
make it to the bash and have tidbits to share, send them to me in email, and I'll make sure to mention them!



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