Birthday Days - 2004

This was the first game of the season for the girls, and they usually try to pick one right around their birthday. In this case, it was the day after.

This was also the first game they'd been to since the park's name change. Now it goes by Monsterpark.

You can see by the flags that there is a nice breeze blowing, but it was still warm enough that people were there in shorts and tank tops. There was even an incident below them in the stands that required medical attention and law enforcement.

(click pictures for full-sized images)

At half-time, they celebrated alumni days.  This is the 20th anniversary of the '9ers winning Super Bowl 19, and the 10th of 29.  Everyone was pleasantly surprised as we were watching the Jumbotron, when the 80s alums were each announcing themselves, and we saw Joe Montana half-way thru the pack.  There was a buzz of excitement going thru the crowd, a bunch of "he's here"s echoing, because no one thought he'd be here.  Then, as he humbly announced his name into the microphone and stepped forward to join his teammates, the crowd went wild.  The alums who were following him didn't even bother to try to say their names ... they just waited for the minute-long noise and applause to die down before they continued.  Yes, nearly 20 years later, Joe is still a legend.
Next to follow Joe, another legend nearly as great, and Joe's favorite receiver.  Dwight Clark followed him onto the field.  When all the alums had been announced and applauded, they showed archive footage of some of the great moments in 49er history, one of which was, of course, "the catch." Again, the crowd went wild.
The girls left the park when they usually do, late in the third quarter, so they'll miss the exiting crowds. This game however, was going badly by then, so it was surprising that there weren't more crowds exiting with them.

However, during the drive home they found that they should have hung around thru the  over time  to see them win by a field goal, instead of hearing them win via the radio!

Because this was the first win of the season (ugh! in game 5) they decided to celebrate by stopping for ice cream before they got home.  And well-deserved it was -- what a great birthday weekend ending!

This weekend also happens to be Fleet Week weekend, where San Francisco Bay has naval and flying demonstrations for the public's viewing.  As they were exiting the park they were greeted by the flyover of some of the practicing or circling formations.

Below is the picture of the 6 or 7 planes flying in formation that flew right over them. It took awhile for Ana to get her camera out, so this is where they ended up before she could snap the shot.  They are right over the airport at this point.

[return to home]

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